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Wedding Dresses

At Bandbox, we understand that a wedding dress holds many memories, long after your big day.

Our specialist wedding dress cleaning service ensures that your dress will look its very best.

When you bring your dress to us, we will inspect the dress with you to discuss which cleaning methods need to be undertaken and decide how you wish your dress to be preserved. Your dress is carefully inspected again and stains are hand spotted and treated. We will then clean your dress according to the method required, before once again inspecting and deciding if any further cleaning is needed. If no more cleaning is necessary, your dress will then be hand pressed by a skilled presser.

At this stage we will invite you to come and inspect the dress.

On your approval, we will box it for storage in an acid-free tissue paper from our wide selection. Or, if you prefer, your dress can be hung in a wedding dress bag. Either your own or one of ours.

We recommend that you bring your dress to us as soon as possible after your wedding. This helps avoid the danger of untreated stains becoming oxidised, thereby inhibiting fully successful removal.

When storing your wedding dress, if possible, avoid storage where temperatures may fluctuate (such as a loft) as this can lead to discolouration and a build up of mildew.

Prices are based on the amount of work required. For quotations either bring your dress into the shop or telephone 01483 283685 and make an appointment for us to visit you at home, or at work.